Place i would love to visit

There is a lot of places, continents and countries that i would very love to visit, saddenly the life is too short and the money isn't infinite. So if i have to decide only one place or country, i would say Canada.

A sensation of curiosity borns in me when i think about Canada, it creates me an intrigate sensation of how are the landscapes,  the climate, the culture, the flora and  fauna. What i've seen on documentals/movies, Canada looks like a very huge territory, with a lot of forest, winters with a lot of snow, rivers with bears catching fishes or landscapes with mountains and lakes where you can travel through it, whitout running into people.
The inmensity of this country, the big option you have to be alone with the natur in almost the whole country, i think, is the most thing eye-catching for me. And this goes hand in hand, with the importance of the conection that  we all have and need with the nature. 

Of course i would also love to know the cities, the people, their idiosyncrasy, their cultur, maybe their 2 lenguages (French & English), but the most important reasons that i would like to visit Canada are those things what i wrote in the previous paragraph. THE NATUR (in a few words).


  1. Canada is one of my favourites to visit too! Montreal and Toronto specially. I have friends and family who went there and they say the landscapes are completely amazing. I've always heared that Canadians are very nice people, so even more reasons to go.

    Cheers Diego!

  2. The people of Canada are very nice, I once chatted with a Canadian gentleman for almost an entire flight. I hope you can travel.


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